Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Mess of the Dress. Pattern Review: Butterick 5748

I'm currently back in a crazy sewing faze. Months will go by where I feel totally overwhelmed by the idea of making anything and then it takes one little ounce of inspiration to send me into a full blown sewing binge. I had purchased some bright striped fabric at F&M with the intention of making myself a summer dress or skirt. The fabric sat in my sewing room for three months staring at me and taunting me. I belong to Club BMV for the Butterick, McCalls and Vogue online patterns and they recently had a $1.99 pattern sale. There was supposed to be a limit of ten patterns but they didn't stop me when I had 40 in my cart and pressed the pay button. I saved over $400, my friends!! From this group of patterns, I pulled a few put that would work with the fabric and narrowed it down to one of their vintage recreations: Butterick 5748.

The pattern was pretty easy but it was my first foray into full lining and a side zipper. I actually loved the lining part. It made the neckline and armholes so clean and easy to do. The side zipper wasn't the nightmare I was anticipating but I fully admit it doesn't look awesome. I sewed the dress up within a few hours and was pretty pleased with the fit.


These pictures were taken before I hemmed it 2.5 inches as with full skirts they recommend hanging for 24 hours before hemming. I waited 3 hours. I'm terribly impatient by nature and it gets me into trouble as you will soon find out.

I wore the dress to work the next day and loved it. The polyester lining made it so cool and slippery. It felt like summer and everytime I caught a side glance of the colors in a mirror, I would instantly get happy. I got home from picking up the kids and noticed a big brown spot on the back of the dress when I changed. I immediately threw it in the wash. Part of the gamble in buying fabric from F&M is that you rarely know the fabric content. From my textile class at FIDM I learned how to test different fabrics but as I'm impatient I wasn't exactly going to break out the bunsen burner for this. I told myself, it will survive the wash but don't put it in the dryer. Sure enough, it came out the wash looking just fine (although I think part of the pink color bled onto my whites but it could have been a new red t-shirt I washed in the same load. I'm not great about properly separating colors). I held up the wet dress and said, don't put this in the dryer and then I threw it in the dryer! I totally ignored myself in spite of myself and did my own thing. I meant to leave it in there for a few minutes but I forgot. An hour later I ran flabbergasted to the dryer only to discover this:

So long pretty summer dress. Ok, a bit dramatic as it may not be totally ruined. I think I can rip out the stitches (oh that will take forever) and measure from the waistline to make the hem even again. It will be about 8 inches shorter than originally intended but did I mention I quit my job? I won't exactly be needing office appropriate attire. I'm honestly so disgusted with myself I can't even look at the dress and I have about 15 other items I'm working on at the moment so it is definitely on the back-burner. Hopefully I will forgive myself sometime soon and tackle ripping out those stitches as my own punishment. 


  1. Oh my gosh Megan, you are too funny. When I scrolled down to the end, my browser jumped to the last image as my computer was being funny and there was a bit of a delay between reading the last bit before seeing the dress. It lent some dramatics to the experience and I literally guffawed out loud. At work.

    But also, this makes me feel that I am in good company, as I have ruined a good hundred dollars+ worth of laundry over the past few weeks. It took me all that time to realize the washer was putting everything through a hot water cycle. Many greige items and a set of orange Kate Spade towels sucked dry of their softness and color (as I was stupid enough to put Oxiclean in a load of darks as well). I actually cried when the latter happened. But I lean way over to the emotional side and very, very often have to sit down, pull myself together and tell myself, "That's life."

    It makes me happy you are blogging again. You are so positive and creative and you make me want to be more optimistic.

    1. Hi stephens98! I'm sure I'm too late to see this but if not I'd love to help. You can email me directly

  2. Hi! I'm currently working on a dress using this exact pattern, but it seems I have hit a speed bump and didn't know if you might be able to help me :)

  3. Hi! I'm currently working on a dress using this exact pattern, but it seems I have hit a speed bump and didn't know if you might be able to help me :)

  4. Hi! I'm currently working on a dress using this exact pattern, but it seems I have hit a speed bump and didn't know if you might be able to help me :)

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