Saturday, August 18, 2012

13 weeks.

The second trimester is here and I can hardly believe it. This pregnancy in many ways has felt slow as molasses and quick as lightning. It is an interesting dichotomy. I am feeling really good. Energetic, no nausea, less bloating but the scale is definitely starting to tip. I have been trying very hard to be active this pregnancy and go to the gym at least three times a week and so far I think I have gained less than I did with Rivers, which is my goal. It is really a silly goal. Ultimately I know my body will do what it wants to (and it is already starting to show me that) but I just want to be in better shape this go around.

I have been wearing maternity clothes for a few weeks now, mostly because they are the new clothes hanging in my closet and therefore the ones I gravitate to each morning but today I squeezed into a pair of regular jeans and they still button up. I don't think I'm showing quite as much as I hoped I would be at this point but apparently people are starting to notice.

I cannot believe this little human will be here in approximately six months. I had to be induced last time due to gestational diabetes and as I don't have it this time, it will be interesting to experience the natural process of going into labor (if my body does so on it's own). This really is a crazy waiting game but overall I think I am much less consumed with this pregnancy than I was with Rivers. I have my plate full of activities for the next few months so I'm just trying to keep my head above water at this point. Did I tell you that my book club chose a book that is 980 pages!!!!!!!!! We spread it across two months but even then it is still a lot of reading. I've got about 60 pages left and I cannot wait. I am going to slam this book in some cupboard as soon as I'm done and not lift it ever again. Forever Amber. Have you heard of it? It really is a good book but I'm sick of it at this point. I haven't cared for the main character from the beginning and I'm just over her antics. Do you have any good suggestions for books for my book club?

1 comment:

  1. Yep, you're still tiny. Ah well, month 7 will be here soon. Books? Don Miller's "Blue Like Jazz". I would do the same with that big ol' book...980,07284 hundred billion...oh la la pages. SHeesh!
