Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ralphers Goes Posh Spice

Until Ralphie I had never owned a dog that needed to be groomed. We always had dachshunds or labs who required very little, if any, beauty treatments. Ralphers is not that kind of dog. He gets straight up wild if we don't tend to his locks every few months.

Before we take him we always ask what celebrity he wants his hair cut like and it has ranged from Justin Bieber to Gary Busey. This time we forgot to ask Ralphie so I told the groomer to trim him up short but leave his eyelashes. I don't know why I forget but it never fails that they don't trim the hair on his ears and I always make a mental note to fix that next time. When I picked Ralphers up on Friday, I berated myself again once I saw his ear hair but I thought he still looked pretty cute.

On Saturday we took a family bike ride to our favorite bagel shop. I left Ralphie outside with Dave and Rivers while I ran in to fix my coffee. While pouring the creamer I overheard a group of college age friends talking about Ralphers and laughing. I strained to hear exactly what was so funny just in time to hear "that dog has an A-frame haircut". GASP. My Mr. Bud Bud got the Posh Spice. I was hoping he wouldn't notice but he's been extra clingy lately so I know he's feeling self conscious. I feel so bad because I keep laughing to myself every time I see him. My poor, sweet boy. Next time I won't forget to ask him what celebrity he wants to look like and he can tell me what he wants, what he really really wants.

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