Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Birthday Surprise

You may recall me touting my decision to wait until delivery day to find out the gender of this baby. Well, Dave really wanted to know and ultimately I realized it wasn't that big of a deal to me. I didn't tell him I had changed my mind and I went and got a secret ultrasound yesterday morning. I had the tech put the picture in the envelope so I wouldn't know either. My big plan was to take a box to Party City and have them blow up pink or blue balloons and seal it. I was then going to wrap the box as a present so Dave had no idea. Have you heard that there is a national helium shortage? In short, no one in town has helium and thus the balloons were not going to happen. I ended up blowing up pink and blue balloons myself and purchasing one it's a girl banner and one it's a boy. I asked a coworker to bury the correct one at the bottom of the box and seal it. I then wrapped the box and stuck a big bow on it. It worked splendidly! Dave had to dig for the answer and I was honestly so shocked when he pulled out the sign below. I am over the moon!!!!

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