Monday, July 2, 2012

Bums and Blessings

Sweet child of mine, oh how she brings me so much joy. She is fiesty, wild, brave, sensitive, sweet, and oh so very funny. This disciplining thing is terribly hard because I want to laugh at all the naughty things she does and says. I know this stage is so small in the grand scheme of her life and I find it hard to be sincerely frustrated with her. Ok. Maybe that's not the whole truth. Let me clarify: at HOME I find it hard to be sincerely frustrated with her. In public, the frustration sets in quickly as my face turns red from embarrassment and I try to find my 3rd and 4th missing hands that I need to help wrangle this wild beast in. Even in these moments I feel so much sympathy for her. I can only imagine her frustration with her lack of understanding, lack of communication and having to learn that she can not always get her way. I know just how difficult all of this is because I have still not mastered much of it myself.

It is hard to describe how this baby girl makes me feel. It is hard to measure the size my heart swells up to when I think of her. It is hard to fathom the gaping hole my heart would have if she were never to have entered my life. When she looks into my eyes asking me questions, I often lose my breath with the disbelief that this beautiful creature is mine. She was born from my body and will forever know me as her mother. That is crazy!!!!!

This morning we were showering and I put a drop of foam soap in each of her hands and told her to scrub up while I turned my back so I could face the water. I expected her to start cleaning her little body as she normally does but was taken by surprise when I felt two chubby little hands working in opposite circular motions on my bum. We like to emphasize "dirty buns" around here and apparently Mama needed some assistance in that department. In such moments of sweetness, I can feel my heart fall to it's knees exhaulting God for His blessings. They are infinite, they are small, they are mighty, and they are ever present as long as we are present for them. This motherhood a pretty mighty blessing.

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