Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Very Sweet Surprise.

I woke up Tuesday morning in a funk. I may or may not have gotten into a disagreement the night before with someone and unfortunately my body always takes a long time to recover from such things. I felt naseuous and tired and wished that it had never happened. I knew the day would look up because it was Tuesday and Tuesday is one of my days home with Rivers. She is so much fun right now and so well behaved and I treasure every moment. We had just started our morning routine of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for her and checking my email for me. I was getting pretty quick and heavy handed with the swiping and deleting on my iphone when I swiped an email and just before I pushed the delete confirmation button a little voice in my head said STOP. The title of the email read "Gilt & The Honest Company Diapers" and the first line of the email was visible and read "Megan, Congratulations!" Over a month ago I had entered a giveaway on for a year's supply of free diapers. I never win such things and usually I hate to even give my email address away but I LOVE these diapers and was feeling risky that day. So when the little voice in my head stopped me, I was half hopeful that I won something and half-concerned that I was now privy to extra spam mail. When I started to read the email, I could not believe that it in fact said "Megan, Congratulations! I'm writing to inform you that your name was selected as the Grand Prize winner in the Gilt and The Honest Company Diaper Sweepstakes. The Grand Prize is a one-year supply of diapers furnished by The Honest Company. This prize has a retail value of $959.40."

............................................Say what?

I was so excited and so conflicted. My emotions wavered between @)*$)*)@($ Yay! to questioning if this was a scam. I kept reassuring myself that I did in fact enter a contest to win such a prize, unlike those  unsolicited emails you get from someone in Africa saying you are entitled to a lot of money. I quickly forwarded all paperwork to Dave to look over and he told me everything looks fine. We will have to pay taxes on the prize since it is over $600 in a value so I had to provide them with some personal information so that they can issue me a 1099. A fraction of me is still concerned I will be subjected to total identity theft within the next few months but at this point the majority of me is excited.

With Rivers I had always paid a little extra for diapers for an eco-friendly biodegradable brand of diapers by Nature Babycare that I really love. We sampled The Honest Company diapers with her and while I found them totally adorable they were more expensive than the Nature Babycare I purchased off of Amazon. I am so beyond excited that I will get to dress another baby's bum in eco-friendly diapers that are so adorable. I cannot wait for my little man to get here to see him in these:

Lumberjack pattern for Honest DiapersDinosaurs pattern for Honest DiapersAnchors pattern for Honest Diapers
Gingham pattern for Honest DiapersSkulls pattern for Honest DiapersTiny Prints pattern for Honest Diapers

Feeling so very blessed and very grateful! I am usually not the person who wins such things but if there was any prize I would want to win, I think this would be near the top!

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